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Students Should Not Be Allowed to Bring Electronics to School
By Heer, Year 4, Brisbane (Australia)

Technology these days is really important in our lives, and people enjoy having phones and iPads, but there are some negative effects. I strongly believe that students should not bring technology to school because it affects their eyesight, causes addiction, and creates distractions. How would a teacher feel if you were watching your device while she was teaching?


First of all, if you watch too much, you might end up needing glasses, and no one wants glasses. Would you want glasses? If you have glasses and forget to bring them, you can’t see, and that will be an issue in learning because you need to see to learn. Think of it this way: you're walking home on a Thursday night with glasses, and all of a sudden some bad guys come and start hitting you. You are a black belt, so nothing bad can happen, right? But then bam! Your glasses get knocked off, and you end up in the hospital. That is very bad, isn’t it? And what if you broke your leg? You wouldn’t be able to do your favorite activity.


Another reason worth considering is that when you bring your electronic device to school, you will get distracted and end up watching your phone in class. For example, if you don’t pay attention and you're studying for a test, and the teacher showed the answers to the tricky problems, you would miss them. You would get a low grade, and then your parents might send you to a very strict boarding school. This is just a simple example; there are even worse punishments than going to boarding school. Would you want bad grades? If you get bad grades, you might not get into a good high school, and if you don’t get into a good high school, you won’t get a good job. No job means no money, no money means no food, and no food means you will starve.


Astonishingly, some people don’t know that too much use of electronics can cause addiction. You might think it’s not too bad, but it really is. Think of it this way: you have kids, and you’re feeding them when your addiction to watching kicks in. You start watching while feeding them, and then the kids will learn this behavior and start ignoring you while watching their phones. Would you want that? Hopefully not!


Lastly, sitting too close to a TV or computer screen won’t damage your eyes, but it can make you uncomfortable, especially if you are farsighted, where close-up items appear blurry. Watching screens too much can affect your physical health, as it leads to less movement. If we keep watching, our muscles will weaken from lack of activity. Scientists advise watching no more than 2 hours per day, with the rest of the time spent being active.


In conclusion, while technology can be fun and entertaining, it has its downsides. It can damage our eyesight, create distractions in school, and cause addiction. These are all reasons why students should not be allowed to bring electronics to school.

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